Voices from the past and the present urge renewal of the fight for jobs and freedom in an echo of Dr. Martin Luther King's vision for America fifty years ago..
Voices from the past and the present urge renewal of the fight for jobs and freedom in an echo of Dr. Martin Luther King's vision for America fifty years ago.
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Education revolution in Punjab ❤️The transformation we all deserve! #punjab #punjabgovernmentschool
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Education revolution in Punjab ❤️The transformation we all deserve! #punjab #punjabgovernmentschool
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The U.S. Park Police in Washington say the Lincoln Memorial has been temporarily closed after someone splattered green paint on the statue.
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Congress Vice President Sh. Rahul Gandhi visited Karnataka and addressed a huge rally. While speaking on the occasion he said Congress has heard the voice of people always as it increased the count of subsidized LPG cylinders.
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Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi Interacted with Tribal Group in Assam. Rahul Gandhi met with groups of tribal delegates and interacted with them. He took suggestions from them for the Congress party poll manifesto. Congress Vice President was on two day visit in Assam.
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Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi met representatives of Mumbai's fishermen (Koli) community and heard their grievances and suggestions, as part of his outreach programme to draft a comprehensive party manifesto. 'You are saying that your voices are merged with farmers and you are not being heard properly.
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Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi addressed a public rally in Meghalaya. While addressing the crowd Rahul Gandhi stressed on women empowerment during his second leg of election campaign in the Northeast. 'We have given you massive schemes like NAREGA and Right to food, the basic need of every single Indian.'
News video | 343 views
India Inc is confident that FM Nirmala Sitharaman will deliver on all the promises made for reviving the economy. 'FM has promised fair and patient hearing to views of FPIs in broader context of capital markets and economy', says Uday Kotak on CII meet with FM Nirmala Sitharaman.
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Nehru Memorial पर छिड़ेगा घमासान ! Congress मुक्त हुआ Nehru Memorial |#DBLIVE
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कांग्रेस मुक्त भारत का सपना लेकर केंद्र की सत्ता में आई भारतीय जनता पार्टी बेशक भारत को कांग्रेस मुक्त नहीं बना पाई हो मगर देश के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू की याद में बनाए गए नेहरू मेमोरियल को मोदी सरकार ने जरूर कांग्रेस मुक्त बना दिया है...केंद्र सरकार ने नेहरू मेमोरियल से तीन बड़े कांग्रेस नेताओं को बाहर कर अन्य लोगों की एंट्री करवा दी है....जिसपर सियासत गरमाना तय है...एक रिपोर्ट देखिए....
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Watch Nehru Memorial पर छिड़ेगा घमासान ! Congress मुक्त हुआ Nehru Memorial |#DBLIVE With HD Quality
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