Despite COVID Scare, Delhiites Violate Norms At Azadpur Mandi | Catch News
A large number of people violated COVID-19 SOPs while buying vegetables at Delhi's Azadpur Mandi. Azadpur Mandi is one of the largest wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables in the country. The Mandi administration is trying to control the coronavirus spread by restricting overcrowding and number of buyers.
#AzadpurMandi #Delhiites #catchnews #CatchNewsToday
#Fruits #Vegetables
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Despite COVID Scare, Delhiites Violate Norms At Azadpur Mandi | Catch News.
Despite COVID Scare, Delhiites Violate Norms At Azadpur Mandi | Catch News
A large number of people violated COVID-19 SOPs while buying vegetables at Delhi's Azadpur Mandi. Azadpur Mandi is one of the largest wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables in the country. The Mandi administration is trying to control the coronavirus spread by restricting overcrowding and number of buyers.
#AzadpurMandi #Delhiites #catchnews #CatchNewsToday
#Fruits #Vegetables
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Catch is a contemporary new digital platform about the ideas and events shaping the world. It aims to filter and provide news-on-the-run for an impatient new generation. It offers greater insight for influencers and the deeper consumer of news. When opinions are shrill and polarized, we hope to create a middle ground and build bridges. When there is a set thinking, we hope to stand apart and go against the wind. The world is complex, exciting, layered, evolving, always interesting. We hope to be the same.
Lots of videos and lots more in the pipeline. Stay tuned.
Despite COVID Scare, Delhiites Violate Norms At Azadpur Mandi | Catch News
News video | 734 views
Azadpur Mandi टमाटर के भाव हुए लाल, Tomato rates in Azadpur Mandi, APMC Delhi, AA News #aa_news
आजादपुर मंडी
दिल्ली की आजादपुर मंडी में टमाटर के भाव में अचानक से आया भारी उछाल। एशिया की सबसे बड़ी आजादपुर सब्जी मंडी में आज मंगलवार को टमाटर ₹100 किलो तक भी बिका। हल्की क्वालिटी का टमाटर ₹50 किलो तो उससे बढ़िया क्वालिटी का टमाटर थोक में ₹70 किलो तो सबसे बढ़िया टमाटर ₹100 किलो तक थोक में बिक रहा है जो रिटेल में 130 से ₹140 तक भी बेचा जा रहा है। मंडी के व्यापारियों ने बताया कि अगले 15 दिन और भाव कम होने की उम्मीद कम है। व्यापारियों ने बताया कि भाव बढ़ने का कारण लगातार हो रही बरसात है जिसमें टमाटर की फसल खराब हो गई। हरियाणा की फसल आनी बंद हो गई हिमाचल से ही कुछ टमाटर आ रहा है इसलिए टमाटर के भाव ज्यादा हो गए हैं। फिलहाल टमाटर को लेकर अभी राहत मिलती नजर नहीं आ रही है। साथ ही आजादपुर मंडी के व्यापारियों ने बताया कि पिछले महीने टमाटर के भाव थोक में ₹2 से ₹5 किलो तक थे और आज जो ₹100 किलो हो गए हैं।
Azadpur Mandi टमाटर के भाव हुए लाल, Tomato rates in Azadpur Mandi, APMC Delhi, AA News #aa_news
News video | 207 views
दिल्ली में होंगे APMC चुनाव 2022 ! APMC Election, Azadpur Mandi, Gazipur Mandi, Okhla Mandi
आजादपुर, गाजीपुर, केशोपुर, ओखला, मंगोलपूरी, नजफगढ़, नरेला, सभी मंडियों में होंगे चुनाव। 2 कमेटी मेंबर, 1 ओपन सीट, 1 बोर्ड मेंबर का चुना जाना है। दिल्ली की APMC मंडियों से चुने है 4 सदस्य। भ्रष्टाचार, अवैध पार्किंग, जाम, अवैध निर्माण, गंदगी, मंडी में गायों का जमावड़ा, सुरक्षा होंने मुख्य मुद्दे।
दिल्ली में होंगे APMC चुनाव 2022 ! APMC Election, Azadpur Mandi, Gazipur Mandi, Okhla Mandi, AA News
News video | 8012 views
Delhi’s Okhla Mandi Gets Crowded, People Flout COVID Norms | Catch News
People flocked at the Okhla Mandi in New Delhi on July 09. People were seen flouting social distancing norms in the market. Many of them were seen without face masks at the mandi. Speaking from the sales point of view, one of the vegetable sellers said that the sales are low due to COVID pandemic.
#OkhlaMandi #CovidNorms #catchnews #CatchNewsToday
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Lots of videos and lots more in the pipeline. Stay tuned.
Delhi’s Okhla Mandi Gets Crowded, People Flout COVID Norms | Catch News
News video | 321 views
रिलायंस जियो फ्री वॉयस कॉल को लेकर एक बड़ी खबर आ रही है। जियो फ्री वॉयस कॉल की अवधि बढ़ाने पर भारतीय दूरसंचार नियामक प्राधिकरण ने आपत्ति जताई है...और इसके लिए ट्राई ने कंपनी को नोटिस भी भेजा है। ट्राई के अनुसार मुफ्त वॉयस कॉल और डेटा प्लान का विस्तार मौजूदा नियमों का उल्लघंन है। दरअसल इसकी वजह यह है कि प्रचार या प्रमोशन से जुड़ी पेशकश की अवधि 90 दिन की होती है। वहीं 3 दिसंबर को ही कंपनी की यह अवधि समाप्त होने वाली थी मगर मुकेश अंबानी की कंपनी ने अपनी 90 दिन की वेलकम योजना बंद होने से पहले ही मौजूदा और नए ग्राहकों के लिए 'हैपी न्यू इयर ऑफर' की पेशकश की है। जिसके बाद अब फ्री कॉल की अवधि मार्च 2017 तक कर दी गई है। कंपनी को नोटिस जारी कर पूछा गया है कि प्रमोशनल योजना के तहत फ्री डाटा की पेशकश को क्यों न बाजार बिगाड़ने वाला माना जाए। हालांकि इस बारे में अभी तक रिलायंस जियो इन्फोकॉम ने कोई टिप्पणी नहीं की है। वहीं खबरों के अनुसार रिलायंस जियो के ग्राहकों की संख्या 18 दिसंबर तक 6.3 करोड हो गई है और कंपनी जल्द ब्रॉडबैंड क्षेत्र में भी अपना खास ऑफर लेकर आ रही है।
Watch DB LIVE | 27 DEC 2016 | TRAI Asks Reliance Jio to Explain How New Offer Doesn't Violate Norms With HD Quality
News video | 583 views
‘I Feel Confident’: Young Delhiites Take COVID Vaccine | Catch News
Vaccination drive for people between 18-45 years in Delhi began on May 03. People stood in long queues under scorching heat to get their first dose of vaccine. After taking vaccine dose, one of the locals said that they “feel confident.” “I came here in the morning to save ourselves, and our families too
#Vaccine #Delhi #catchnews #CatchNewsToday
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Lots of videos and lots more in the pipeline. Stay tuned.
‘I Feel Confident’: Young Delhiites Take COVID Vaccine | Catch News
News video | 388 views
आजादपुर अंडरपास के पास हर रोज लगता है जाम, Azadpur under pass, Azadpur chowk, AA News #aa_news
आजादपुर अंडरपास के पास हर रोज लगता है जाम, Azadpur under pass, Azadpur chowk, AA News #aa_news
News video | 216 views
Azadpur Flyover पर बनी मज़ार हटाई गई | unauthorized tomb built over the Azadpur flyover
डबल ए न्यूज़ की खबर का असर हटाई गई फ्लाईओवर के ऊपर बनी मजार। जुलाई दो हजार तेईस में भी डबल ए न्यूज़ ने उठाया था इस अवैध मजार का मुद्दा।
आजादपुर फ्लाईओवर के ऊपर बनी अवैध मजार को हटाया गया। प्रशासन ने कार्रवाई करते हुए रात में इस मजार को हटा दिया और सुबह वहां रोड को ठीक करने का काम शुरू किया गया। रोड की मरम्मत करके ट्रैफिक को सुचारू रूप से चलाया जा रहा है। मजार को गिराए जाने के बाद राहगीरों व स्थानीय निवासियों ने प्रशासन का धन्यवाद किया।
दरअसल मजार की वजह से फ़्लाईओवर का हिस्सा संकरा हो गया था और काफी लंबा जाम लगता था। अब कहीं ना कहीं जाम में कुछ जरूर राहत मिलेगी। इस तरह से सड़कों के ऊपर और यहां तक की फ्लाईओवर के ऊपर भी धार्मिक स्थलों का बन जाना कहीं ना कहीं लोगों के लिए दिक्कत पैदा करता है। जरूरत है इस तरह के अवैध एंक्रोचमेंट हटाए जाने चाहिए चाहे किसी भी धर्म के एंक्रोचमेंट हो । फिलहाल इस मजार को हटाए जाने के बाद स्थानीय लोगों व राहगीरों ने राहत की सांस ली है।
The unauthorized tomb built over the Azadpur flyover, impacted by a Double-A news report, has been removed. Double-A News had raised the issue of this illegal tomb even in July 2023. The unauthorized tomb over the Azadpur flyover has now been dismantled, and authorities have started road repairs. Commuters and locals expressed gratitude to the administration after the tomb's removal, as its presence had caused traffic disruptions. The incident highlights the challenges posed by religious structures encroaching on roads and flyovers, emphasizing the need to address such unauthorized encroachments, irrespective of religious affiliations.
Azadpur Flyover पर बनी मज़ार हटाई गई | unauthorized tomb built over the Azadpur flyover
News video | 146 views
Delhi Covid Update _ Kejriwal on Free Vaccine for Delhiites - Opening of Radha Swami Covid Centre
News video | 355 views
Arvind Kejriwal on Free Vaccine for Delhiites | Opening of Radha Swami Covid Care Facility | #StayHomeStaySafe
#ArvindKejriwal #CoronaCasesInDelhi #FreeVaccineForDelhiites
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7. CM Arvind Kejriwal Inaugurates Plasma Bank in LNJP Hospital
8. Chandni Chowk Transformation by Arvind Kejriwal's Government
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Delhi Covid Update : Kejriwal on Free Vaccine for Delhiites - Opening of Radha Swami Covid Centre
News video | 309 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 566552 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 106505 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 106801 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 34640 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 85081 views
SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
- Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
- VEBLR - (
- ASHI, Haryana's website -
About ASHI, Haryana:
Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.
All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
Director: Ojaswwee Sharma
Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
- Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
- Editor: Bhasker Pandey
- Cinematography Team:
Raman Kumar
Harjas Singh Marwah
Surinder Singh
- Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma
For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)
- Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
- Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
- Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
- Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja
Kids video | 56543 views
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My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 -
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick -
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon -
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens -
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder -
Home Bar Accessories -
Glassware -
Ice mould -
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol con
Cooking video | 819 views
What is Wheat Beer? | व्हीट बीयर क्या है?
Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website -
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast'
Please follow me on Instagram:
Instagram (2):
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For Business / Suggestion:
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase -
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 -
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 -
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick -
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon -
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens -
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder -
Home Bar Accessories -
Glassware -
Ice mould -
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol consumer in th
Cooking video | 788 views
भारत में पहला BAR कौन सा है? Which is the First BAR in India? Do you know?
#firstbar #Indiasfirstbar #bar #cocktailsindia
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast'
Please follow me on Instagram:
Please follow me on Facebook:
For Business / Suggestion:
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase -
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 -
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 -
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick -
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon -
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens -
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder -
Home Bar Accessories -
Glassware -
Ice mould -
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol consumer in the world. We buy and consume more whiskey in the world than anyone else. This channel helps give information about your favorite drink. How to make fantastic cocktails at ho
Cooking video | 697 views
एक Wine की बोतल की सेल्फ लाइफ क्या होती है? What is the shelf-life of a bottle of wine?
#wine #Wineshelflife #cocktailsindia #dadabartender
Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website -
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast'
Please follow me on Instagram:
Instagram (2):
Please follow me on Facebook:
For Business / Suggestion:
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase -
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 -
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 -
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick -
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon -
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens -
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder -
Home Bar Accessories -
Glassware -
Ice mould -
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink kn
Cooking video | 742 views