कासगंज के नौरथा गांव के एक आवास लाभार्थी दिनेश चंद्र ने जिलाधिकारी आरपी सिंह को एक शिकायती पत्र देकर गांव के ही एक व्यक्ति पर आवास के नाम पर 25 हजार रूपये जालसाजी कर लेने का आरोप लगाया
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The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.
The vision of the channel is ''voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.
The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
wherever news is happening.
Watch [ Kasganj ] कासगंज के एक आवास लाभार्थी ने जिलाधिकारी को एक शिकायती पत्र दिया With HD Quality.
उत्तर प्रदेश के कासगंज में तिरंगा यात्रा के दौरान हुई साम्प्रदायिक झड़प में एक युवक की मौत के बाद तनाव का माहौल है।
दरअसल 69वे गणतंत्र दिवस के मौके पर कासगंज के वीर अब्दुल हामिद चौराहे पर मुस्लिम पक्ष के साथ अन्य लोग मिलकर झंडा रोहण की तैयारी में लगे हुए थे। तभी विश्व हिंदू परिषद और एबीवीपी के कार्यकर्ता बाइक से रैली निकाल रहे थे।
जब ये रैली चौराहे पर पहुंची तो तो जय श्रीराम”,”वंदे मातरम्” के नारे के साथ “हिंदुस्तान में रहना होगा जय श्रीराम कहना होगा” और एक नारा, “मुल्लो का एक ही स्थान पाकिस्तान या कब्रिस्तान” जैसे नारे जोर जोर से लगाने लगें।
जब इतने से जी नही भरा तो ABVP VHP वाले एक टोपी पहने शख्स को पकड़ जबरदस्ती उससे जय श्रीराम के नारे लगवाने के लिए कपडे खीच के थप्पड़ मार दिए, फिर कुछ मुस्लिम लड़के वहा इकठ्ठे हुए और उस लड़के को छुड़ाने लगे इसके बाद युवक ने विरोध करते हुए उन पर भी हमला कर दिया हाथपाई शुरू हो गई और पत्थरबाजी भी हुई।
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Watch कासगंज दंगें की पूरी सच्चाई। दंगें की असली वजह यह थी, The whole truth of the Kasganj... The real... With HD Quality
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कासगंज जनपद में पुलिस कर्मियों की कमी को मद्देनजर रखते हुए इस बार शासन ने 222 प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त आरक्षियों को भेजा। जिससे जनपद की कानून व्यवस्था सुदृंढ होगी और पुलिस कर्मियों को भी आराम मिलेंगा। एसपी ने मिले पुलिस कर्मियों को थाना बार में तैनात किया है,
Follow us on
The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.
The vision of the channel is ''voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.
The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
wherever news is happening.
Watch [ Kasganj ] कासगंज में पुलिस कर्मियों की कमी को मद्देनजर रखते हुए शासन ने 222 आरक्षियों को भेजा With HD Quality
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कासगंज में राजस्थान के राज्यपाल कल्याण सिंह के निर्धारित दो दिवसीय कार्यक्रम के दौरान उनके पुत्र राजबीर सिंह उर्फ राजू भैया ने अपने 55 माह के कार्याकाल में किए गए विकास कार्याे का पिटारा खोल दिया और कहाकि आगामी 18 फरवरी और दो मार्च को सीएम योगी आदित्य नाथ का कार्यक्रम तय होना निश्चित है।
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The News India is a popular Hindi News Channel in Telangana and Andhrapradesh made its in March 2015.
The vision of the channel is ''voice of truth &courage' -the promise of keeping each individual ahead and informed. The News India is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.
The News India maintains the repute of being a people's channel. At THE NEWS INDIA , we believe that the truth, which is at the core of news,is
sacred and we have a stated policy that we will not shock, titillate, scare and
distort. Therefore, we don’t telecast crime shows, sexually-oriented content or
Programs that promote superstition, alarm, fear, loathe and absurdity.
We not only focus on the life of the metros and the Urban India, but also
covers the Bharat of non-metros, tier II and III towns, as well as villages
wherever news is happening.
Watch [ Kasganj ] एटा कासगंज के लिए दो हजार तीन सौ करोड़ रूपये की योजनाओ का शिलान्यास करेंगे योगी With HD Quality
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भारत का सर्वश्रेष्ठ हिंदी न्यूज चैनल , KKD NEWS चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। लेटेस्ट अपडेट के लिए चैनल को अभी सब्सक्राइब करें, KKD NEWS चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ब्रेकिंग न्यूज के लिए बने रहें ।
Watch KASGANJ : कासगंज के नगला डामर के इमामुद्दीन में जनसुनवाई With HD Quality
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#KasganjUPNews #KasganjTodayNews #KasganjPolice #KasganjPoliceArrestedPrizeCrook #CrimeInKasgan
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News Credit-GS
Kasganj UP News | पुलिस ने इनामी बदमाश को किया गिरफ्तार, सिपाही से रायफल लूट मामले में था वांछित
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#KasganjNews #KasganjElection #Kasganjlatestnews #breakingnews #news
Watch JAN TV Live on https://www.youtube.com/jantvindia/live
Jan TV is a Satellite TV channel that is broadcasting News & Current Affairs, Entertainment, Education, Agriculture and Social Empowerment and Medical Health related programs. देश दुनिया की लाइव खबरें एवं ब्रेकिंग न्यूज के लिए बने रहें जन टीवी के साथ on Tata Sky DTH channel number 1185 and Airtel DTH channel number 355
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Lots of videos and lots more in the pipeline. Stay tuned.
News Credit-MKP
Kasganj (UP) News | उत्तर विधानसभा चुनाव 2022, अयोध्या में लता मगेशकर में नाम पर होगा चौराहा-योगी
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Kasganj : अग्नि पीड़ित परिवार के 40 लोगों के बीच बांटी गई राहत सामग्री!! || #KKDNews
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जिलाधिकारी हर्षिता माथुर व पुलिस अधीक्षक बीबीजी टीएस मूर्ति के दिशा-निर्देश पर कस्बा में कानून व्यवस्था एवं मोहर्रम जन्माष्टमी स्वतंत्रता दिवस सावन मास को लेकर सहावर उप जिला अधिकारी रितु सिरोही व क्षेत्राधिकारी अजीत सिंह चौहान थाना प्रभारी निरीक्षक राजकुमार सिंह के नेतृत्व में कस्बे की सड़कों पर एसएसआई जयवीर सिंह संग अपनी टीम के साथ पैदल फ्लैग मार्च किया। पुलिस ने जनता को सुरक्षा का भरोसा दिलाया। इस दौरान पुलिस ने संदिग्ध लोगों व बाइक सवारों की तलाशी भी ली। पैदल मार्च सहावर कोतवाली से प्रारंभ होकर मैन चौराहा सोरों रोड बड़ा बाजार बैंक चौराहा बोंदर रोड तिराहा आदि बाजारों में होते हुए कोतवाली परिसर पर जाकर सम्पन्न हुआ। इस दौरान उपजिलाधिकारी रितु सिरोही व क्षेत्राधिकारी अजीत सिंह चौहान थाना अध्यक्ष राज कुमार सिंह एसएसआई जयवीर सिंह एसआई अरविंद कुमार इंदु कुमार सोबरन सिंह पुष्पेंद्र गुर्जर धीरेंद्र राजपूत मनजीत कुमार जॉन पीटरआदि पुलिस कर्मी मौजूद रहे ।
Kasganj : सहावर पुलिस ने पैदल फ्लैग मार्च कर दिया लोगों को सुरक्षा का संदेश
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अज्ञात युवक का शव मिलने से फैली सनसनी,
तालाब में मिला अज्ञात युवक का शव,
सूचना पर पहुँची पुलिस ने शव को तालाब से निकलवाया बाहर,
शव की शिनाख्त को पुलिस कर रही कोशिश,
पुलिस ने शव का पंचनामा भरवाकर भेजा पोस्टमार्टम के लिए,
कासगंज सदर कोतवाली क्षेत्र के रेलवे कॉलोनी के समीप का मामला।
Kasganj : अज्ञात युवक का शव मिलने से फैली सनसनी
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মানুহৰ জীৱনৰ ধৰ্ম আৰু কৰ্ম কিহৰ দ্বাৰা পৰিচালিত হয়?
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ভগৱান শ্ৰীকৃষ্ণৰ জীৱন দৰ্শনৰ পৰা আমি কি কি কথা শিকা উচিত?
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চুতীয়া শব্দৰ উৎপত্তি আৰু চুতীয়া সকলৰ ইতিহাস
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Neel Akash live music show 2024 Rongali Bihu || Asin Ayang mane ki? ||
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Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website - www.cocktailsindia.com
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast' https://open.spotify.com/show/0ub0ll4SUUWwHDo5qk5Nb5?si=7b3ac81e1c194caf
Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocktailsindia2016/
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For Business / Suggestion: dada@cocktailsindia.com
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My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase - https://amzn.to/3ZXuNQD
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 - https://amzn.to/3ZjAkAJ
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 - https://amzn.to/3JcqaMJ
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My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon - https://amzn.to/3ZDqbyD
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My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder - https://amzn.to/3mudhFa
Home Bar Accessories - https://amzn.to/3LedEOv
Glassware - https://amzn.to/3KRPSrf
Ice mould - https://amzn.to/3EWlecr
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol consumer in the world. We buy and consume more whiskey in the worl
Cooking video | 9243 views
Kolkata’s Best Bartending School with LAB Felicity “The Spirit Vidyalaya”. If you love bartending then come and join us
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What My Students Speaking? About My Bartending School “The Spirit Vidyalaya” Kolkata
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PEG क्या है, इसे PEG क्यों कहा जाता है? | What Is Peg
Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website - www.cocktailsindia.com
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast' https://open.spotify.com/show/0ub0ll4SUUWwHDo5qk5Nb5?si=7b3ac81e1c194caf
Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocktailsindia2016/
Instagram (2): www.instagram.com/dada.bartender
Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092566239501&mibextid=LQQJ4d
For Business / Suggestion: dada@cocktailsindia.com
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase - https://amzn.to/3ZXuNQD
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 - https://amzn.to/3ZjAkAJ
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 - https://amzn.to/3JcqaMJ
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick - https://amzn.to/3SQmu6P
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon - https://amzn.to/3ZDqbyD
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens - https://amzn.to/41CEeX4
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder - https://amzn.to/3mudhFa
Home Bar Accessories - https://amzn.to/3LedEOv
Glassware - https://amzn.to/3KRPSrf
Ice mould - https://amzn.to/3EWlecr
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol con
Cooking video | 851 views
What is Wheat Beer? | व्हीट बीयर क्या है?
Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website - www.cocktailsindia.com
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast' https://open.spotify.com/show/0ub0ll4SUUWwHDo5qk5Nb5?si=7b3ac81e1c194caf
Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocktailsindia2016/
Instagram (2): www.instagram.com/dada.bartender
Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092566239501&mibextid=LQQJ4d
For Business / Suggestion: dada@cocktailsindia.com
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase - https://amzn.to/3ZXuNQD
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 - https://amzn.to/3ZjAkAJ
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 - https://amzn.to/3JcqaMJ
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick - https://amzn.to/3SQmu6P
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon - https://amzn.to/3ZDqbyD
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens - https://amzn.to/41CEeX4
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder - https://amzn.to/3mudhFa
Home Bar Accessories - https://amzn.to/3LedEOv
Glassware - https://amzn.to/3KRPSrf
Ice mould - https://amzn.to/3EWlecr
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol consumer in th
Cooking video | 798 views
भारत में पहला BAR कौन सा है? Which is the First BAR in India? Do you know?
#firstbar #Indiasfirstbar #bar #cocktailsindia
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast' https://open.spotify.com/show/0ub0ll4SUUWwHDo5qk5Nb5?si=7b3ac81e1c194caf
Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocktailsindia2016/
Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cocktailsindia1975/
For Business / Suggestion: sponsor.cocktailsindia@gmail.com
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase - https://amzn.to/3ZXuNQD
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 - https://amzn.to/3ZjAkAJ
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 - https://amzn.to/3JcqaMJ
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick - https://amzn.to/3SQmu6P
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon - https://amzn.to/3ZDqbyD
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens - https://amzn.to/41CEeX4
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder - https://amzn.to/3mudhFa
Home Bar Accessories - https://amzn.to/3LedEOv
Glassware - https://amzn.to/3KRPSrf
Ice mould - https://amzn.to/3EWlecr
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink knowledge, Bartending and many more then this channel is for you. India is the biggest alcohol consumer in the world. We buy and consume more whiskey in the world than anyone else. This channel helps give information about your favorite drink. How to make fantastic cocktails at ho
Cooking video | 702 views
एक Wine की बोतल की सेल्फ लाइफ क्या होती है? What is the shelf-life of a bottle of wine?
#wine #Wineshelflife #cocktailsindia #dadabartender
Join Our Bartending School The Spirit Vidyalaya, Call us on 7558204535
Check out our website - www.cocktailsindia.com
Check out my Podcast - 'Dada Bartender Podcast' https://open.spotify.com/show/0ub0ll4SUUWwHDo5qk5Nb5?si=7b3ac81e1c194caf
Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cocktailsindia2016/
Instagram (2): www.instagram.com/dada.bartender
Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092566239501&mibextid=LQQJ4d
For Business / Suggestion: dada@cocktailsindia.com
Affiliate Link
My Camera - Canon EOS 200D II - Link To Purchase - https://amzn.to/3ZXuNQD
My Best Camera - Sony A7 3 - https://amzn.to/3ZjAkAJ
My Sound - GODOX MoveLink M2 - https://amzn.to/3JcqaMJ
My Light setup - GODOX LC500R RGB LED Light Stick - https://amzn.to/3SQmu6P
My Lens Setup - Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC for Canon - https://amzn.to/3ZDqbyD
My Lens Setup - Canon EF50MM F/1.8 STM Lens - https://amzn.to/41CEeX4
My Audio Setup - Zoom H1n Handy Recorder - https://amzn.to/3mudhFa
Home Bar Accessories - https://amzn.to/3LedEOv
Glassware - https://amzn.to/3KRPSrf
Ice mould - https://amzn.to/3EWlecr
The purpose of this channel is not to support or encourage underage drinking but to provide knowledge of the products we consume. This channel does not promote or sell any alcoholic product. The purpose of this channel is to strictly entertain and inform people about products available on the market. We are strictly against underage drinking and do not support it.
About The Channel:-
If you love homestyle cocktails, reviews of Alcohol, Drink kn
Cooking video | 756 views