Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom


A full version of this film is also available at

Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality.

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  • Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom Video
    Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom

    A full version of this film is also available at

    Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

    Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

    Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 822 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom Video
    Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom

    A full version of this film is also available at

    Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

    Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

    Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 1238 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom Video
    Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom

    A full version of this film is also available at

    Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

    Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

    Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 895 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom Video
    Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom

    Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

    Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

    Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 862 views

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    Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun

    A full version of this film is also available at

    The land of freedom and liberty, America, the new world, offers Indians the chance to make their dreams come true! Although immigration has taken place in small numbers since the 19th century, only in the fifties and sixties did immigration open up, allowing a whole new set of immigrants with tech skills to head to the US.

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  • Watch Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun Video
    Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun

    A full version of this film is also available at

    The land of freedom and liberty, America, the new world, offers Indians the chance to make their dreams come true! Although immigration has taken place in small numbers since the 19th century, only in the fifties and sixties did immigration open up, allowing a whole new set of immigrants with tech skills to head to the US.

    There they rewrote the rules for immigrants, storming the worlds of medicine, academia, finance and research. Their children pushed the boundaries even further as they rose to the top of professions like law, politics, art, music and media. And with constant immigration from India, the Indo American diaspora is one of the most exciting and successful Diasporas in America.

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    Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun

    The land of freedom and liberty, America, the new world, offers Indians the chance to make their dreams come true! Although immigration has taken place in small numbers since the 19th century, only in the fifties and sixties did immigration open up, allowing a whole new set of immigrants with tech skills to head to the US.

    There they rewrote the rules for immigrants, storming the worlds of medicine, academia, finance and research. Their children pushed the boundaries even further as they rose to the top of professions like law, politics, art, music and media. And with constant immigration from India, the Indo American diaspora is one of the most exciting and successful Diasporas in America.

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    Watch Bridging Worlds: From Girmitya to Government - The Journey of Indians in Mauritius With HD Quality

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    Bridging Worlds- From Girmitya to Government - The Journey of Indians in Mauritius

    The social fabric of Mauritius is premised on a very strong conscious sense of multiculturalism. The Indian Diaspora is a majority in Mauritius and mainly comprises the descendants of the Girmitya's or the indentured labourers who migrated, voluntarily and involuntarily, to Mauritius during the colonial era. In a self-conscious effort to forge an inclusive All Mauritian identity, the Indian Diaspora chooses to call themselves Mauritians and not Indians. However, this hasn't entailed a process of rejection of their ancestral identity and culture but rather a celebration of it by it's integration with Creolean and Chinese cultures. By way of historical reconstruction and a series of conversations with people in Mauritius, descendants of Indians and otherwise, the film explores the socio-cultural, economic and political dynamics that underlie Mauritius' multiculturalism.

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    Dhar : स्वतंत्रता दिवस के कार्यक्रम के दौरान अचानक बीमार हुई छात्राएं.. Dharmpuri MP धार Manawar


    Dhar / Madhya Pradesh

    धार जिले के मनावर क्षेत्र के दाबाड़ के शासकीय उच्चतर माध्यमिक विद्यालय में स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आयोजित झंडा वंदन कार्यक्रम में शामिल विद्यालयीन छात्राएं अचानक बीमार हो ग‌ई ।कुछ का प्राथमिक उपचार स्थानीय स्तर पर किया गया। कुछ छात्राओ को धरमपुरी सरकारी अस्पताल ले जाया गया, वही कई छात्राओ को हवा बाहरी बाधा की शंका में टोने टोटके वालो के पास ले कर पहुंचे । बताया जा रहा है की झंडा वंदन के पश्चात आयोजित कार्यक्रम के दौरान यह मामला हुआ । जिसमें शामिल छात्राएं अचानक बीमार हो ग‌ई। वही कुछ बच्चों को धरमपुरी स्थित सामुदायिक अस्पताल में भर्ती किया गया। जिनमें तीन छात्राओं को धार रैफर किया गया अस्पताल में अफरा तफरी का माहौल बन गया। सूचना मिलते ही एसडीएम राहुल गुप्ता, तहसीलदार शिवानी श्रीवास्तव, थाना प्रभारी सहित अधिकारी मौके पर पहुंचे । ग्राम दाबड़ में घटी घटना की जानकारी मिलते ही सहायक आयुक्त आदिवासी ब्रजकांत शुक्ला भी पहुंच गए । श्री शुक्ला ने बताया कि पीड़ित छात्राओं के स्वास्थ्य पहली प्राथमिकता है इसी के साथ ही घटनास्थल के पानी तथा स्कूल की लैब की भी जांच कराई जाएगी। आखिर अचानक छात्राएं किन परिस्थितियों में बीमार हुई है ।

    *बाइट -
    ब्रजकांत शुक्ला,
    सहायक आयुक्त आदिवासी विकास विभाग धार

    बाइट -शिवानी श्रीवास्तव तहसीलदार धरमपुरी ।

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  • Watch Dhar : राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज का अपमान! उल्टा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया गया! @BhartiyaNews Video
    Dhar : राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज का अपमान! उल्टा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया गया! @BhartiyaNews


    Dhar / Madhya Pradesh

    15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आज धार जिले में राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के अपमान का एक मामला प्रकाश में आया जहां उल्टा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया गया जो अपराध की श्रेणी में आता है । यह घटना इस गांव में दुसरी बार दोहराईं गई है तो वह और भी गंभीर मामला बन जाता है ।
    धार जिले के सरदारपुर तहसील के ग्राम लेडगांव की ग्राम पंचायत में आज ग्राम पंचायत सचिव की एक बड़ी आपराधिक लापरवाही सामने आई जहां 15 अगस्त के राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज तिरंगा उल्टा फहराया गया । ग्राम पंचायत में सरपंच,उप सरपंच व पंचो तथा ग्रामीणों की उपस्थिति में उल्टे झंडे का ध्वजारोहण किया गया । राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के अपमान को लेकर ग्रामवासी लक्ष्मी नारायण चौहान ने जब इस पर आपत्ति ली तो उसे गंभीरता से नहीं लिया गया ।
    ग्राम वासी लक्ष्मीनारायण चौहान ने राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर यहां दुसरी बार उल्टा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज तिरंगा फहराये जाने का गंभीर आरोप लगाते हुए दोषियों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने की मांग की ।

    *बाइट - लक्ष्मी नारायण चौहान ग्रामवासी लेडगांव ।*

    Dhar : राष्ट्रीय पर्व पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज का अपमान! उल्टा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया गया! @BhartiyaNews

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    Utkal Ev ଲଞ୍ଚ କଲା Zelio ବ୍ରାଣ୍ଡ ର ନୂଆ 2 In 1 ଇଲେକ୍ଟ୍ରିକ ସ୍କୁଟର | PPL Odia

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    #PushkarSinghDhami #Dehradun #Uttarakhand #KaranMahara #IndiaVoice #LokSabhaElection2024

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    इंडिया वॉइस उत्तर प्रदेश, उत्तराखंड, बिहार झारखंड,मध्य प्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ और देश की राजधानी दिल्ली के साथ साथ अन्य राज्यों की खबरों को प्रसारित करने वाला देश का सबसे विश्वनीय हिंदी न्‍यूज चैनल है। इंडिया वॉइस न्‍यूज चैनल देश-विदेश की राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल जगत के नवीनतम समाचारों का विस्तृत विवरण प्रदान करता है। चैनल पर समकालीन मुद्दों पर सार्थक डिबेट भी प्रसारित की जाती है।

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    Uttarakhand Ke Sawal: कानून

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  • Watch Dhar : स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर धार में कलेक्टर ने फहराया तिरंगा झंडा.. MP @BhartiyaNews 2024 Video
    Dhar : स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर धार में कलेक्टर ने फहराया तिरंगा झंडा.. MP @BhartiyaNews 2024


    Dhar / Madhya Pradesh

    स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आज जिला मुख्यालय स्थित किला मैदान पर आयोजित मुख्य समारोह में कलेक्टर प्रियंक मिश्रा ने किया ध्वजारोहण एवं ली संयुक्त परेड की सलामी । साथ ही प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री डॉ मोहन यादव के संदेश का किया वाचन ।
    इस अवसर पर विभिन्न स्कूलों के बच्चों ने राष्ट्रीय एवं देश प्रेम पर आधारित गीतों पर शानदार नृत्य की प्रस्तुति दी ।
    किला मैदान पर आयोजित मुख्य समारोह में पुलिस अधीक्षक मनोज कुमार सिंह मंच पर उपस्थित थे । समारोह में जिले के उत्कृष्ट कार्य करने वाले अधिकारियों व कर्मचारियों को कलेक्टर ने प्रशस्ति पत्र देकर सम्मानित किया । इस अवसर पर समारोह में धार विधायक सहित बड़ी संख्या में गणमान्य नागरिक एवं राजनेता तथा विभिन्न स्कूलों के छात्र छात्राएं उपस्थित ।
    आज के इस गरिमापूर्ण समरोह में प्रमुख रूप से धार की ऐतिहासिक धरोहर किले पर 100 फिट ऊंचे राष्ट्रीय ध्वज तिरंगे झंडे को मुख्य समारोह स्थल से रिमोट के माध्यम से कलेक्टर प्रियंक मिश्रा ने लहराया जो शहर में आकर्षण का केंद्र बना ।

    Dhar : स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर धार में कलेक्टर ने फहराया तिरंगा झंडा.. MP @BhartiyaNews 2024

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    IND vs ENG | World Cup T20 2024 | Match Preview and Stats | Fantasy 11 | Crictracker

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    Welcome to the exhilarating showdown between India vs England in the World Cup T20 2024 season! Get ready for an electrifying clash as these two powerhouse teams, fueled by raw talent and strategic brilliance, lock horns for cricketing supremacy.

    Join us as the India, led by their charismatic captain, face off against the England, determined to showcase their prowess on the pitch. With star-studded lineups boasting top-tier international players and emerging talents, expect nothing short of cricketing excellence and heart-stopping moments.

    Don't miss a single moment of the action, drama, and excitement as these teams battle it out in the high-stakes arena of World Cup T20 2024. From breathtaking boundaries to strategic masterstrokes, witness every twist and turn in this epic showdown.

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    Don't miss a single moment of the action, drama, and excitement as these teams battle it out in the high-stakes arena of World Cup T20 2024. From breathtaking boundaries to strategic masterstrokes, witness every twist and turn in this epic showdown.

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    Ex-PAK captain Inzamam accuses India, Rohit delivers a Sherlock-worthy explanation.

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