Snatchers Caught in CCTV at Nathupura & Jagtpur नत्थूपुरा और जगतपुर में देखिए स्नैचर्स


Snatchers Caught in CCTV at Nathupura & Jagtpur नत्थूपुरा और जगतपुर में देखिए स्नैचर्स

Watch Snatchers Caught in CCTV at Nathupura & Jagtpur नत्थूपुरा और जगतपुर में देखिए स्नैचर्स With HD Quality.

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    Dated: 23-07-2024
    The Crime Staff of Rajendra Nagar Police Station and CCS Rajendra Nagar
    Zone Jointly Apprehended Two Notorious Snatching Offenders namely Mudavath Pandu and Mudavath Sevya Residents of Gunta Thanda, Pullagiri Village Of Thimmajipet Mandal, Nagarkurnool District And Detected SIX (6) Cases Under Limits Of Rajendranagar, Shamshabad and Shadnagar Police Stations. Both the accused persons committed 4 snatchings in the same place, same timings between 7-8 pm at Budwel Bus Stop, opposite Budwel Water Filter, Rajendra Nagar in the past 3 years. In all the 6 cases the case property of SIX gold chains is recovered weighing about 15 tulas worth R$ 11,10,000/-.
    On 16.07.2024 at 20:30 hours received a complaint from one woman resident of Sai Baba Colony, Kismathpur, Gandipet stating that on 16.07.2024, at about
    19:10 hours, after completing her duty, she was standing at the Budwel Bus Stop. opposite Budwel Water Filter, Rajendra Nagar, waiting for a bus to go to her house in Kismathpur. In the meantime, two unknown offenders approached her and snatched her gold Mangalasutram weighing about 3 ½ Tolas from neck.
    Thereafter, both the accused fled into the bushes at Horticulture University.
    Budwel, Rajendra Nagar and escaped from the spot. The complainant further stated that she could identify the accused if she saw them again. Hence complainant requested to take necessary action. Basing on the above offence Rajendra Nagar Police was registered a case vide Cr. No. 699/2024 and investigated in to.
    Accused persons
    A1. Mudavath Pandu So Herya, Age: 36 years, Caste: ST Lambada, Occ:
    Agriculture and Professional property offender,
    R/o Thupda Thanda,
    Pullagiri village of Thimmajipet mandal, Nagarkurnool District.
    A2. Mudavath Sevya s/o Gopal, age 23 yrs, caste: ST Lambada, Occ:
    Agriculture and Professional property offender, R/o Thupda Thanda, H/o

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    पुलिस ने इनके कब्जे से दो हाई स्पीड मोटरसाइकल , तीन स्कूटी और आठ महंगे मोबाइल फ़ोन बरामद किये है --आश मुहम्मद , जाकिर हुसैन , रवि उर्फ़ पवन , शुभम, चिंटू , और पवन नाम के ये सभी युवक कॉलेज पास ऑउट है|
    पुलिस ने इन्हे गिरफ्तार कर बेशक जेल भेज दिया है लेकिन इनके हावभाव देखकर नही लगता की इन्हें अपनी करतूतों पर कोइ अफ़सोस या डर है|

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