Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies


This is an epic 10 part film series on the Indian Diaspora in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Straddling the East and the West, the fabled lands of Arabia have long evoked images of Bedouins and bazaars. But here sifting sands have given way to oases of cement and steel. But before the cities, preceding the crowds, the first caravans to come, came form India. This film is a story of collaboration between cultures. Of Indian ingenuity that's been married to Arabian panache to build cities, dreams and life itself.

Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies With HD Quality.

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    Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies

    This is an epic 10 part film series on the Indian Diaspora in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Straddling the East and the West, the fabled lands of Arabia have long evoked images of Bedouins and bazaars. But here sifting sands have given way to oases of cement and steel. But before the cities, preceding the crowds, the first caravans to come, came form India. This film is a story of collaboration between cultures. Of Indian ingenuity that's been married to Arabian panache to build cities, dreams and life itself.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 978 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies Video
    Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies

    This is an epic 10 part film series on the Indian Diaspora in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Straddling the East and the West, the fabled lands of Arabia have long evoked images of Bedouins and bazaars. But here sifting sands have given way to oases of cement and steel. But before the cities, preceding the crowds, the first caravans to come, came form India. This film is a story of collaboration between cultures. Of Indian ingenuity that's been married to Arabian panache to build cities, dreams and life itself.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 2150 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies Video
    Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies

    This is an epic 10 part film series on the Indian Diaspora in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs and the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Straddling the East and the West, the fabled lands of Arabia have long evoked images of Bedouins and bazaars. But here sifting sands have given way to oases of cement and steel. But before the cities, preceding the crowds, the first caravans to come, came form India. This film is a story of collaboration between cultures. Of Indian ingenuity that's been married to Arabian panache to build cities, dreams and life itself.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: One Thousand and One Nights - Indian dreams under Arabian skies With HD Quality

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    ഓപ്പ ലോക്ക - അമേരിക്കയിലെ അറേബ്യന്‍ നഗരം

    അറേബ്യയുമായോ ഇസ്ലാമുമായോ ഒരു പാരമ്ബര്യവും അവകാശപ്പെടാനില്ലാത്ത നഗരം നിലവില്‍ വന്നത്‌ 1920കളിലായിരുന്നു

    അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഫ്ലോറിഡ സംസ്ഥാനത്തിലുളള ചെറിയൊരു പട്ടണമാണ് ഓപ്പ ലോക്ക. ഗോപാലോക്കായിലേക്കെത്തുന്ന ആർക്കും ആദ്യം തോന്നുക ഒരു അറേബിയൻ നാട്ടിൽ എത്തിച്ചേർന്ന പോലെയാണ് .കാരണം ഇവിടുത്തെ ഭൂരിഭാഗം കെട്ടിടങ്ങളിലും അറബ്‌ - ഇസ്ലാമിക്‌ കെട്ടിട നിര്‍മ്മാണ രീതിയിലുള്ളതാണ് . ഇവിടെ മുസ്ലീങ്ങൾ തിങ്ങി പാർക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലമാണെന്നേ ആർക്കും ഒറ്റ നോട്ടത്തിൽ തോന്നൂ എന്നാൽ വിരലിലെണ്ണാവുന്ന ഇസ്ലാം മതവിശ്വാസികളേ ഈ നഗരത്തില്‍ ഇന്നും അധിവസിക്കൊന്നൊളളൂ. അവരാകട്ടെ ഈ അടുത്തകാലത്ത്‌ അവിടേക്ക്‌ കുടിയേറിയവരും.അറേബ്യയുമായോ ഇസ്ലാമുമായോ ഒരു പാരമ്ബര്യവും അവകാശപ്പെടാനില്ലാത്ത നഗരം നിലവില്‍ വന്നത്‌ 1920കളിലായിരുന്നു. മിക്ക കെട്ടിടങ്ങള്‍ക്കും ഖുബ്ബ( ഡോം )യും മിനാരങ്ങളുമുണ്ട്‌. ഈ പട്ടണം ഇത്തരത്തിൽ രൂപപെട്ടതിന്റെ പിന്നിൽ ഒരേ ഒരു വ്യക്തിയാണ് .ഗ്ലെന്‍ എച്ച്‌ കര്‍ട്ടിസ്സ്‌ എന്ന അമേരിക്കന്‍ കോടീശ്വരനാണ് ഈ നഗരത്തിന്റെ ശില്‍പ്പി.അറേബ്യന്‍ ക്ലാസിക്‌ കൃതിയായ ആയിരത്തൊന്ന് രാവുകളില്‍ ( അല്‍ഫ്‌ ലൈല വ ലൈല ) ആകൃഷ്ടനായ ഗ്ലെന്നിന് , ആ കഥകളിലെ മധ്യകാല അറേബ്യന്‍ നാഗരിക ജീവിതത്തെ അനുസ്മരിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഒരു കെട്ടിട സമുച്ചയം നിര്‍മ്മിക്കണമെന്നത്‌ ഒരു ചിരകാലാഭിലാഷമായിരുന്നു.1924ല്‍ നിര്‍മ്മിക്കപ്പെട്ട ബഗ്‌ദാദിലെ കളളന്‍ എന്ന ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്‌ നിശ്ശബ്ദ സിനിമ അറേബ്യന്‍ വാസ്തു ശില്‍പ്പത്തിലുളള അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ താല്‍പര്യം ഒന്ന് കൂടി വര്‍ദ്ദിപ്പിച്ചു. തന്റെ സ്വപ്ന നഗരി നിര്‍മ്മിക്കാന്‍ ഗ്ലെന്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്തത്‌ 'ഒപ്റ്റിശവോക്ക ലോക്ക' എന്ന ഗ്രാമമായിരുന്നു. ഒപ്റ്റിശവോക്ക ലോക്ക എന്നത്‌ ഒരു റെഡ്‌ ഇന്ത്യന്‍ നാമമാണ്. 'നിരവധി മരങ്ങളാല്‍ വലയം ചെയ്യപ്പെട്ട ചതുപ്പിലുളള ദ്വീപ്‌' എന്നാണ് ഈ വാക്കിന്റെ അര്‍ത്ഥം. ഒപ്റ്റിശവോക്ക ലോക്ക എന്നതിന്റെ ചുരുക്കപ്പേരാണ് ഓപ്പ ലോക്ക.ഓപ്പ ലോക്കയില്‍ അറേബ്യന്‍ ശൈലിയിയില്‍ ഗ്ലെന്‍ നിരവധി കെട്ടിടങ്ങള്‍ നിര്‍മ്മിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. പട്ടണത്തിലെ ഓരോ റോഡുകള്‍ക്കും തെരുവുകള്‍ക്കും ആയിരത്തൊന്ന് രാവുകളിലെ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളുടേയോ സ്ഥലങ്ങളുടേയോ പേരുകളാണ് അദ്ദേഹം നല്‍കിയത്‌.ബഗ്‌ദാദ്‌ അവന്യു , അഹ്മദ സ്ട്രീറ്റ്‌ , സെസ്മി (സിംസിം ) സ്ട്രീറ്റ്‌ , അലിബാബ അവന്യു , ശറസാദ്‌ ( ശഹ്‌

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    Bridging Worlds: Out of Many, One People

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    Watch Bridging Worlds: Out of Many, One People With HD Quality

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    Bridging Worlds- Melting Pot - The Story of the Indian Diaspora in Singapore & Malaysia

    The Indo-Malaysian and Indo-Singaporean relations of today have a more than 1500 year old history of trade and cultural links. The film looks at the Indian diaspora in both these countries separately while also looking at the commonalities that run deep into history. Malaysia exhibits a confluence of Pan Asian cultures with Indians playing a significant role in commerce and culture. The prosperity of Indians and people of Indian origin reveals both the liberal and cosmopolitan premise of Singapore's evolution as a country as well as the contribution of Indians in this evolution. The socio-economic profile of Indians ranges from labourers and workers to businessmen and traders. The film also explores questions of identity that this rich cultural landscape is fraught with.

    Watch Bridging Worlds- Melting Pot - The Story of the Indian Diaspora in Singapore & Malaysia With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 1059 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun Video
    Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun

    A full version of this film is also available at

    The land of freedom and liberty, America, the new world, offers Indians the chance to make their dreams come true! Although immigration has taken place in small numbers since the 19th century, only in the fifties and sixties did immigration open up, allowing a whole new set of immigrants with tech skills to head to the US.

    There they rewrote the rules for immigrants, storming the worlds of medicine, academia, finance and research. Their children pushed the boundaries even further as they rose to the top of professions like law, politics, art, music and media. And with constant immigration from India, the Indo American diaspora is one of the most exciting and successful Diasporas in America.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 780 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun Video
    Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun

    The land of freedom and liberty, America, the new world, offers Indians the chance to make their dreams come true! Although immigration has taken place in small numbers since the 19th century, only in the fifties and sixties did immigration open up, allowing a whole new set of immigrants with tech skills to head to the US.

    There they rewrote the rules for immigrants, storming the worlds of medicine, academia, finance and research. Their children pushed the boundaries even further as they rose to the top of professions like law, politics, art, music and media. And with constant immigration from India, the Indo American diaspora is one of the most exciting and successful Diasporas in America.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: The Story of Indians in the United States of America; A Place in The Sun With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 1184 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom Video
    Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom

    Of all the countries Indians have made home, the United Kingdom has perhaps the longest and definitely the most complex relationship with the Diaspora. Starting as a legacy of colonisation, continuing when immigration opened after the War, immigration today is also about economic opportunities and big business with Indian companies leading the way in investing in Big Britain.

    Overcoming painful legacies, building on commonalities and shared histories, Indians and Britons have come closer together as allies, creating truly A Meeting of Minds. And this has been possible largely due to the efforts of the Indian Diaspora whose success has exceeded the wildest expectations. Prominent in every field - business, politics, the professions, art and culture, media and communication - their success has not just helped relations between both countries, but has also created within the UK, a deep appreciation for the culture and capacities of the Land that was once the jewel in the crown.

    Watch Bridging Worlds A Meeting of Minds: The Story of Indians in the United Kingdom With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 862 views

  • Watch Bridging Worlds: From Girmitya to Government - The Journey of Indians in Mauritius Video
    Bridging Worlds: From Girmitya to Government - The Journey of Indians in Mauritius

    The social fabric of Mauritius is premised on a very strong conscious sense of multiculturalism. The Indian Diaspora is a majority in Mauritius and mainly comprises the descendants of the Girmitya's or the indentured labourers who migrated, voluntarily and involuntarily, to Mauritius during the colonial era. In a self-conscious effort to forge an inclusive All Mauritian identity, the Indian Diaspora chooses to call themselves Mauritians and not Indians. However, this hasn't entailed a process of rejection of their ancestral identity and culture but rather a celebration of it by it's integration with Creolean and Chinese cultures. By way of historical reconstruction and a series of conversations with people in Mauritius, descendants of Indians and otherwise, the film explores the socio-cultural, economic and political dynamics that underlie Mauritius' multiculturalism.

    Watch Bridging Worlds: From Girmitya to Government - The Journey of Indians in Mauritius With HD Quality

    Vlogs video | 1319 views

Kids Video

  • Watch Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles)  | RFE TV Video
    Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles) | RFE TV

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 563059 views

  • Watch समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म  - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles) Video
    समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles)

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106020 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106355 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 34235 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 84662 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 56135 views

Beauty tips Video

  • Watch Purplle IHB sale - cuffs n lashes recommendation Video
    Purplle IHB sale - cuffs n lashes recommendation

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  • Watch Styling Pakistani suit from ​⁠@Meesho #shorts #meeshosuithaul #pakistanisuits #meeshokurti Video
    Styling Pakistani suit from ​⁠@Meesho #shorts #meeshosuithaul #pakistanisuits #meeshokurti

    Styling Pakistani suit from ​⁠@Meesho #shorts #meeshosuithaul #pakistanisuits #meeshokurti

    Beauty Tips video | 436 views

  • Watch Barbie makeup- cut crease eye look - pink makeup for beginners #shorts #cutcrease #pinkeyelook Video
    Barbie makeup- cut crease eye look - pink makeup for beginners #shorts #cutcrease #pinkeyelook

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    Cuffs n Lashes X Shystyles eyeshadow Palette - Seductress
    Cuffs n Lashes Eyelashes - Pink City -
    Cuffs n Lashes Cover Pot - Nude -
    Cuffs n Lashes F021 Fat top brush -
    Cuffs n Lashes x Shsytyeles Brush -
    Cuffs n Lashes Flat shader Brush E004 -

    Barbie makeup- cut crease eye look - pink makeup for beginners #shorts #cutcrease #pinkeyelook

    Beauty Tips video | 480 views

  • Watch Latte Makeup but with Indian touch #shorts #lattemakeup #viralmakeuphacks #viralmakeuptrends #makeup Video
    Latte Makeup but with Indian touch #shorts #lattemakeup #viralmakeuphacks #viralmakeuptrends #makeup

    Latte Makeup but with Indian touch #shorts #lattemakeup #viralmakeuphacks #viralmakeuptrends #makeup

    Beauty Tips video | 333 views

  • Watch No Makeup vs No Makeup Makeup look #shorts #nomakeupmakeup #nofilter #naturalmakeup #everydaymakeup Video
    No Makeup vs No Makeup Makeup look #shorts #nomakeupmakeup #nofilter #naturalmakeup #everydaymakeup

    No Makeup vs No Makeup Makeup look #shorts #nomakeupmakeup #nofilter #naturalmakeup #everydaymakeup

    Beauty Tips video | 442 views

  • Watch No more chipchip skin - Just fresh glowing skin #shorts #ashortaday #freshskin #skincare #sale #BOGO Video
    No more chipchip skin - Just fresh glowing skin #shorts #ashortaday #freshskin #skincare #sale #BOGO

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    Beauty Tips video | 419 views