Mahendragarh Bus Accident: Eid के दिन बड़ा हादसा, स्कूल बस पलटने से 6 बच्चों की मौत, 15 घायल


#mahendragarh #roadaccdient #schoolbus #haryana #khabarfastdigital

हरियाणा (Haryana) के महेन्द्रगढ़ (Mahendragarh) जिले से एक बेहद ही दर्दनाक खबर सामने आई है। यहां आज सुबह एक प्राईवेट स्कूल की बस (School Bus) हादसे का शिकार हो गई, जिसमें 6 बच्चों की मौत हो गई है जबकि 15 बच्चे घायल बताए जा रहे हैं। हादसे की सूचना मिलते ही पुलिस और प्रशासन के अधिकारी मौके पर पहुंचे और स्थिति का जायजा लिया।

Mahendragarh Bus Accident: Eid के दिन बड़ा हादसा, स्कूल बस पलटने से 6 बच्चों की मौत, 15 घायल

Khabar Fast brings the Latest News & Top Breaking headlines on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Sports, Business, Bollywood News and Entertainment, Science, Technology, Health & Fitness news. To Get updated Press the like Button now

Khabar Fast News Channel:

खबर फास्ट भारत का हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है । खबर फास्ट चैनल हरियाणा, हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब, राजस्थान, उत्तर प्रदेश और हर एक राज्य से जुड़ी खबर से रुबरु कराता है । ख़बर फास्ट न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। खबर फास्ट चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ताजा ब्रेकिंग अपडेट न्यूज, प्रोग्राम के लिए बने रहिए- टीवी चैनल्स, सोशल मीडिया (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM,TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

Khabar Fast is the Hindi news channel of India. Khabar Fast Channel deals with news related to Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and every state. The Khabar Fast News channel covers the latest news in politics, entertainment, Bollywood, business and sports. Khabar Fast Channel Live news and latest breaking news, stay tuned for the program - TV channels, social media (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

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    Mahendragarh Bus Accident: Eid के दिन बड़ा हादसा, स्कूल बस पलटने से 6 बच्चों की मौत, 15 घायल

    #mahendragarh #roadaccdient #schoolbus #haryana #khabarfastdigital

    हरियाणा (Haryana) के महेन्द्रगढ़ (Mahendragarh) जिले से एक बेहद ही दर्दनाक खबर सामने आई है। यहां आज सुबह एक प्राईवेट स्कूल की बस (School Bus) हादसे का शिकार हो गई, जिसमें 6 बच्चों की मौत हो गई है जबकि 15 बच्चे घायल बताए जा रहे हैं। हादसे की सूचना मिलते ही पुलिस और प्रशासन के अधिकारी मौके पर पहुंचे और स्थिति का जायजा लिया।

    Mahendragarh Bus Accident: Eid के दिन बड़ा हादसा, स्कूल बस पलटने से 6 बच्चों की मौत, 15 घायल

    Khabar Fast brings the Latest News & Top Breaking headlines on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Sports, Business, Bollywood News and Entertainment, Science, Technology, Health & Fitness news. To Get updated Press the like Button now

    Khabar Fast News Channel:

    खबर फास्ट भारत का हिंदी न्यूज चैनल है । खबर फास्ट चैनल हरियाणा, हिमाचल प्रदेश, पंजाब, राजस्थान, उत्तर प्रदेश और हर एक राज्य से जुड़ी खबर से रुबरु कराता है । ख़बर फास्ट न्यूज चैनल राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल में नवीनतम समाचारों को शामिल करता है। खबर फास्ट चैनल की लाइव खबरें एवं ताजा ब्रेकिंग अपडेट न्यूज, प्रोग्राम के लिए बने रहिए- टीवी चैनल्स, सोशल मीडिया (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM,TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

    Khabar Fast is the Hindi news channel of India. Khabar Fast Channel deals with news related to Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and every state. The Khabar Fast News channel covers the latest news in politics, entertainment, Bollywood, business and sports. Khabar Fast Channel Live news and latest breaking news, stay tuned for the program - TV channels, social media (YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER AND WEBSITE)

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  • Watch Adavilo Last Bus Movie Scenes - Bus Met With An Accident - Bus Got Killed Video
    Adavilo Last Bus Movie Scenes - Bus Met With An Accident - Bus Got Killed

    Watch Bus Met With An Accident - Bus Got Killed.

    Starring Avinash, Narasimha Raju, Megha Sri Among Others

    For More Latest Movie News, Comedy Scenes, Video Songs, Movie Parts And Scenes Click Here To Subscribe :

    Director: S.D.ARVINDA
    Producer: S.D.ARVINDA

    Watch Adavilo Last Bus Movie Scenes - Bus Met With An Accident - Bus Got Killed With HD Quality

    Entertainment video | 1589 views

  • Watch Dawoodi Bohra Recipe - Eid Special Food - Kharak on Eid al-Fitr (Eid Mubarak) Video
    Dawoodi Bohra Recipe - Eid Special Food - Kharak on Eid al-Fitr (Eid Mubarak)

    Mumineen Dawoodi Bohras often do iftar with stuffed sweet kharak (Dried dates) on Eid al-Fitr, a joyous occasion of fraternal gathering and celebration for Muslims around the globe.
    The video shows how to prepare the delicious iftar dish.

    Cooking video | 84040 views

  • Watch Eid cookies (Maamoul) Recipe - Eid Special Food - Eid Mubarak Video
    Eid cookies (Maamoul) Recipe - Eid Special Food - Eid Mubarak

    The smell of freshly baked maamoul spreading throughout the place is an Eid ritual. This is how I make them for every Eid.

    Dough ingredients:
    0.5 kg coarse semolina
    0.5 kg fine semolina
    2 tbs granulated sugar
    ¼ teaspoon mahlab powder
    ½ cup gee
    250g unsalted butter
    ¼ cup orange blossom water
    ¼ cup rose water
    1 tsp instant yeast
    ¼ cup warm water

    Fillings ingredients:
    Dates Mamoul:
    0.5 kg dates paste
    1 tbs vegetable oil

    Pistachios Mamoul or
    walnuts Mamoul:
    150g crushed pistachios/ or
    crushed walnuts
    4 tbs powder sugar
    2 tbs orange blossom water
    1 tsp cinnamon powder (for walnuts)

    Cooking video | 120250 views

Kids Video

  • Watch Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles)  | RFE TV Video
    Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles) | RFE TV

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 567321 views

  • Watch समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म  - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles) Video
    समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles)

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106591 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106869 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 34699 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 85163 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (
    - VEBLR - (
    - ASHI, Haryana's website -

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 56610 views

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