Helikopter EC 130 Resmi Dinyatakan Hilang


Lebih dari 9 jam pencarian, keberadaan helikopter komersil jenis EC 130 belum diketahui keberadaannya. Otoritas Bandar Udara Kualanamu di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara, resmi menyatakan helikopter hilang..

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    Official Website: http://beritasatu.tv


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    Official Website: http://beritasatu.tv


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Kids Video

  • Watch Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles)  | RFE TV Video
    Samarpan (2019) Documentary Film - ASHI, Haryana Golden Jubilee | Ojaswwee | Rolling Frames Entertainment (English Subtitles) | RFE TV

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 562897 views

  • Watch समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म  - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles) Video
    समर्पण (2019) डोक्युमेन्टरी फिल्म - अशी, हरयाणा स्वर्ण जयंती | ओजस्वी | रोलिंग फ्रेम्स एंटरटेनमेंट (Hindi Subtitles)

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106005 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 01 ft. Chandra Mohan | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 106344 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 02 ft. Dharmvir, IAS | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 34229 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 03 ft. Dr Vibha Taluja | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 84652 views

  • Watch Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee Video
    Samarpan - Promo 04 ft. Maj Gen IJS Dhillon | 29th December 19 | RFE TV | ASHI Haryana | Ojaswwee

    SAMARPAN is an ode to the dedicated team of ASHI, Haryana and Ashiana Children's Home, as they mark their Golden Jubilee this year in 2019. Available in Hindi and English Subtitles.
    Watch the full film 'SAMARPAN' online on
    - Rolling Frames Entertainment - (https://rfetv.in)
    - VEBLR - (https://veblr.com/)
    - ASHI, Haryana's website - https://ashi-haryana.org/

    About ASHI, Haryana:
    Association for Social Health in India (ASHI) is a Voluntary and Social Organization aiming at challenging those conditions that lead to exploitation of women and children for anti-social purposes by providing shelter for Destitute & Orphan children and arranging for their education, vocational training and rehabilitation are one of the Association’s main activities. The Governor of Haryana, their Chief Patron, visits the Home once a year to encourage and bless the children.

    All Rights Reserved - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP - 2019
    Produced by: Association of Social Health in India (Haryana State Branch), Pinaka Mediaworks & Rolling Frames Entertainment.
    Director: Ojaswwee Sharma

    Production House - Pinaka Mediaworks LLP
    - Associate Director: Rohit Kumar
    - Editor: Bhasker Pandey
    - Cinematography Team:
    Raman Kumar
    Harjas Singh Marwah
    Surinder Singh
    - Subtitles: Diveeja Sharma

    For Pinaka Mediaworks LLP (India)

    - Co-founder & CFO: Sunil Sharma
    - Brand Communication Head: Diveeja Sharma
    - Head of Post Production: Bhasker Pandey
    - Legal Advisor: Vishal Taneja

    Kids video | 56123 views